PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder in women that interferes with the ovulation. It is the most common cause of infertility among women. PCOS occurs when a woman’s body overproduces sex hormones, called androgens. The hormone imbalance prevents fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries from breaking open and releasing mature eggs. The fluid-filled sacs bunch together, causing many tiny cysts.

PCOS Symptoms :

Why does polycystic ovary syndrome cause weight gain?

PCOS makes it more difficult for the body to use the hormone insulin , which normally helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. This condition — called insulin resistance — can cause insulin and sugar to build up in the bloodstream.

High insulin levels increase the production of male hormones called androgens. High androgen levels lead to weight gain.

Furthermore, insulin resistance and weight gain can lead to Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

Many of these conditions can lead to heart disease . In fact, women with PCOS are four to seven times more likely to have a heart attack than women of the same age without the condition.

PCOS diet – DO’s and Don’ts :


High-fiber foods can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the impact of sugar on the blood. This may be beneficial to women with PCOS. Great options for high-fiber foods include:

  • cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts

  • greens, including red leaf lettuce and arugula

  • green and red peppers

  • beans and lentils

  • almonds

  • berries

  • sweet potatoes

  • winter squash

  • pumpkin

Lean protein sources like tofu, chicken, and fish don’t provide fiber but are very filling and a healthy dietary option for women with PCOS.


Refined carbohydrates cause inflammation, exacerbate insulin resistance, and should be avoided. These include highly processed foods, such as:

  • white bread

  • muffins

  • breakfast pastries

  • sugary desserts

  • white potatoes

  • anything made with white flour

PCOS, like many disorders, responds positively to proactive lifestyle choices. This includes exercise and daily physical movement. Both can help to reduce insulin resistance, especially when coupled with a limited intake of unhealthy carbohydrates. Many experts agree that at least 150 minutes per week of exercise is ideal.

Daily activity, low sugar intake, and a low-inflammation diet may also lead to weight loss. Women may experience improved ovulation with weight loss, so women who are obese or overweight and want to get pregnant may find physician-approved exercise especially important.

We cannot cure PCOS, but we absolutely can control it!

Pre-Pregnancy Counseling